

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Squares in vedic maths | Speed Maths | Vedic Mathematics 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 25, 2019



Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

12 vegetable காய்கறி வைத்தியம் ஹீலர் கோபிநாதன் 9443190703💐 

Check out this video on YouTube:


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

பணம் காய்க்கும் மரங்கள் 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

24 Amazing Benefits Of Okra/Lady’s Finger (Bhindi) For Skin, Hair, And H... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Simple magic of algebra. 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Monday, June 24, 2019

Vedic Maths Level 3 OPTIMUM EDUCATORS, i benefitted after a long time. 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

How to square a three digit number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement… 

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement. Steadiness is another aspect of movement. Safety is the prime consideration. Next movement is another aspect of change. Shape is paper of speed.

Feel free to learn underscore tamil.

How to cube, cube root, how to square, square root.
Tables 1 to 100.
It helps in preparing squares in table form. It brings into focus many forms like order, sequence etc.

Learn 1 to 10, cube and cube root, unit digits and roots.
Hemangini- 21 to 30 squares easily remembered.
Vedic maths. Free to learn various courses.

Then 4 cases.
Number begins with 1, ends with 1, same no, different number,
(4) cases.
11), 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 12= 1 2 4 8. 13 6 9. 1 4 16 64
4 8. 6 18
1 7 2 8. 2 0 5 9

11), 21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91, 1 5 10 20

11), 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99, 1620

24, 47, 76, 98, 87, 56, 64, 35,

We have four classifications with in numbers 1 to 100.
Solve for 12x12x12= short cut is knowing in detail and avoiding superfluous. Or carryover, borrow etc.

Flow, faith, trend, observation, water, nothing stops it. Enthusiasm, energy, hope, consideration.

Feel free to learn. Tamil
You become a wizard when you know everything to play and you have sufficient time to play what you want, jump to where and what ever height you want and take the ball, stroke with ease and simplicity.

Comprehension, knowledge, understanding, use, utility, convenience, clarity, to put together. Ease, less effort. To Put together.

A stretch is a completeness of motion with emotion accompanied josh and just to the completeness of the stroke, the cleverness of speed positioning of the ball and the winning strike without being obstructed by the fielder.

Learn in two's, a pattern, a method, a technique, a procedure.
(Sweep and vision,)
(precision, accuracy,) closer to truth.
Two discrimination. One is 316= 99856 5 digits
and the other is 317= 100,049. 6 digits.

All you did was to add to the previous number. Unto 316 there was no problem, the sum came to 5 digits. 99856.
Essence unto the number 316 gives you when you square only unto 5 digits.

Adding one to 316 to 317 and doubling it gives 100,049. 6 digits, armed with this knowledge I.e. adding one and doubling it gives a six digit figure. 100,049. From 317 to 999 is a six digit figure. What happens to a number by adding one and doubling it gives, a five or six digit number, Understand. Clarify, simplify. Know. Algebra.

This is a important fact, a measure, a knowledge, can be used to know, predict, understand, in fact to do magic, invent numbers. You develop. You now know anything above 316 that is 317 when doubled gives you 6 digits when doubled. From 317 to 999. Armed with this knowledge you can impress others. Predict, calculate, invent.

There are other discriminants. Another classification into type a and b.
Are type A below 50. Five digits. Addition.
and type B, above 50 but below 999. Six digits. Subtraction.
With this 4 you can do wonders.

316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
Repeated thrice so that memory becomes stronger.
Sweep and vision are two ways of noting with eyes!

317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.
317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.
317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits

Learn without seeing.

Precognition let's you forecast, be precise, accurate and be magical, all knowing, familiar with numbers. In fact a genius.

Knowing this allows you to predict the outcome, perform magic with numbers, instantly say results of operations. Speed, accuracy builtin, the fact makes you a genius. Some work and earn a lifetime of fame! Your memory will improve. Know format and build quality. Your awareness, understanding will increase. Classification becomes better. Comparison becomes great.

Okra helps.
Confidence increases practice, balance grows, equilibrium develops, looking at the mirror, looking at the eyes, tip of the nose also helps better focus.

Type A, involves plus symbol . 203, 307, 412, 521, 913. Above 100,
Type B, involves minus symbol, 196, 291, 389, 492, 679 close below hundreds
+ 203. - 196. Reaches a whole number. Say 200, 300, 400, 500, 700.
+ 307. -291
+ 412. -389
+ 521. -492
+ 913. -679
Symbol involves movement by conventions.

(1) 412, 09, = 200 + 003. Add 003= 206. Multiply by 2 as you have 200 and 100 as base. ie 2x206= 412. This is three digits. Next is square of 03 which is 09. So the answer is 41209. A five digit number. This is square of 203. You know it is a five digit number as the original number is less than 316. A 5 digit number. If 317 will be six digit number 100,049. So we know by prior knowledge that the number is between 317 and 999 will be six digit number for the square.

(2) 942,49,

(3) 1696 +144 = 169,744,

(4)=521 squared=271,441 = 27541. 5 digits

(5) 913 squared = 926 x 9= 8 3 3 4 +169 = 833,569. 6 digits.

Type b,
minus(1) 200-004 + -004 = -008 ie 200-008=192, 192x2= 384 Add(-4) squared= 16. Answer is 38416. 5 digits as number 196 is less than 316 squared.

Type b, minus (2) 291 squared = 009 less than 300. Subtract 009 from 291 will be 282. Multiply 282 by three, add 81, is 846,81, the answer. 5 digit number. Verify it's less than 316 squared. So it cannot be more than a 5 digit number.

Type b, minus (3) 389 squared = 011 less than 400. Subtract 011 from
389 will be378. Multiply 378 by four. Why? 4 times base number 100. 1512 +121 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 151321. Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.

Type b, minus (4) 492 squared = 008 less than 500. Subtract 008 from 492 will be 486. Multiply 486 by five. 243 O +64 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 243064 . Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.
Type B minus (5) 679 squared = 21 less than 700. Subtract 21 from 679 will be 658. Multiply 658 by 7= 4 60 6 add 21 squared= 4606+441= 461041

the answer 461041. Six digit number.

Clarity and preparedness takes the moments opportunity of change and moment.

Do all the others. Practice, practice become expert in the use of numbers of this is practice. Numerals and mental capacity be one. Become the master of blind folded maths. Practice for 15 minute s every day. You will soon become a wizard and will be recognized for it.

See below: in all languages. Become an expert, master, proficient.

201= 200+001 add +001= 202 multiply by 2. Because 1 00 is base number and you have chosen200. So multiply by2. = 404 This is three digits. Add o1 gives you 40401 as answer. Mental sum.

202= 200+ 02. Add +02= 2= 04 multiply by 2= 408, this is three digits. Add 04 gives you the answer 40804. Mental sum. (Check)

203= 200+003 add +003= 006 multiply by 2=412. This is three digits.
Add .03 squared gives 41209 as answer. 5 digit sum.

Mental sum with ease and training. Blindfolded performance with ease and simplicity, polish and finesse as one becomes expert, gains mastery with numbers. Practice and you shall achieve.

204=200+004. Add +004= 008. multiply by 2= 416. This is 3 digits. Add .4 squared gives, 41616 as five digit sum.

205= 200+005. Add +.005= .210. Multiply by 2= 420. This is 3 digits. Add .5 squared= 25. The answer is 42025.

206= 200+ 006 = 206. Add .006=212. Multiply by 2= 424. This is 3 digits. Add 0.06 squared=0.36, answer is 42436.

207=200+007= 207. Add 007= 214. Multiply by 2 as 200 is the base,= 428. add 0.07 squared to 428 it will give 42849 as answer.

208= 200+ 008 = add 008= 216 multiply by 2 as 200 is the base = 432.
Add 08 squared as 432+064 will give the result 43264 five digit result.

209= 200+ 009=209+ 009= 218 multiply by 2= 43681. 5 digit answer.

210= 200+010=210 add 010= 220. Multiply by 2= 440+100. Ans 44100.

211= 200+011=211 add 011= 222. Multiply by. 2= 444+121= 44521 as answer.

212= 200+ 012= 212. Add 012= 224. Multiply by 2= 448+144 = 44944 as answer.

213= 200+013= 213 add 013= 226 multiply by 2= 452+169 = 45369 answer.

P214= 200+014=214 add 014= 228 multiply by 2=456+1 96 =45796 answer.

215= 200+015=215 add 015 =230multiply by 2= 460+225= 46225 answer.

216= 200+016=216 add 016=232 multiply by 2=464+256=46656 answer.

217=200+017=217add 017= 234 multiply by 2= 468 +289=47089 answer.

218=200+018=218 add 018= 236 multiply by 2= 472 + 324= 47524:answer.

219= 200+019=219 add 019= 238 multiply by 2= 476 + 361= 47961, Answer.

220= 200+020= 220 add 020= 240 multiply by 2=480+ 400=48400,

Answer. From 21 to 30 squared. As you build up, you become a master in your knowledge and understanding.

21 squared = 441, 22 squared = 484, 23 squared = 529, 24 squared = 576,
25 square =625, 26x26= 676, 27x27=729, 28x28=784, 29x29 =841, 30x30=900.

221= 200+21= 221 add 021= 242 multiply by 2=484+ 441 = 48841, Answer.

222= 200 +22= 222 add 022. Multiply by 2= 488+ 22 squared = 488+484= 49284 Answer.

223=200+ 23= 223.add 023. Multiply by 2= 492 +23squared =492+ 529= 49729.

224=200 + 24 =224add +24. Multiply by 2= 496 +24 squared =576
496+576= 50176.

225=200+25=225 add +25 =250 multiply by 2 =500 + 25 squared= 500+225= 50225 Answer.

226=200+26=226add +26 =252. Multiply by 2= 504 +26 squared=676
504+676=51076 Answer.

227=200+27= 227 add +27=254. Multiply by 2= 508 +27 squared= 729= 508+729=51529 Answer.

228=200+28=228 add+28=256. Multiply by 2= 512 +28 squared=784

229=200+29=229 add +29= 258. Multiply by 2= 516 +29 squared=841
516+841= 52441 Answer.

230=200+30=230 add +30= 260. Multiply by 2=520+30 squared=900, 520+900=52900, Answer.

All numbers you can recite, blindfolded with practice!
Now you know, practice and become perfect, mentally with numbers in this discipline. Shine and be known as genius.

Logic 316 =. 99856. 5 digits 317= 100,049 6 digits. You know the limitation, the extend that will take the answer.
The classification as A or B. Less than 50, more than 50 less than 999.
Know the limits and limitation and expertise. You are the master of what ever interests you!

Balance: equilibrium, movement and moment, rhythm and speed, grace and stillness, the twitch and shake, the opposites co existing,

Repetition helps in reenforcement and build up better memory, concise, precise, accurate statements. Confidence, courage, conviction builder.

30 square are yours for practicing, discovering your skills, magician blind folded skills development.

20x20. =400
21 squared= 441
  1. =484
23x23. =529
24x24. =576
25x25. =625
26x26. =676
27x27. =729
28x28 =784
29x29 =841
30x30. =900
Arranging different ways give different patterns and different ways of seeing information. Angle determines the outcome, patterns and results.

Get the engineering table square. Numbers, cubes, cube roots etc. build up a table and do magic for those who don't know. With a little practice and confidence you will build up a reputation.
Squares is information that you can use to grow.

1x1= 1,
3x3= 9

1,4,9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100. Is a pattern to remember, know, understand, experience. Look closer at 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. They occur all the time with slight modification. Suddenly you know the whole table. You can construct and reconstruct. You are a master! You know, understand. They form a line, a sentence. A method, a technique, a new pattern, a new ladder.

Another way to see! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, you know a whole table, in a nut shell. You know comprehension, symbol, short form of expression. You suddenly expanded. You know a lot.

15x15= 225

By heart till 30 squared and apply blind folded.

Upto 100.


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Music is refinement in taste! Interest, penetration, appreciation… 

Music is refinement in taste! Interest, penetration, appreciation.
Presentation is an art, an occasion! How classic can you make depends on your imagination, experience and attitude?
You have been gifted with transformation between energy and matter. Emotion, feeling, and matter. Words, tune and flow become your instruments, rhythm and atmosphere become your canvas, volume becomes your expression, listeners become your audience.
Note that tone is key—vocal inflection, volume, and context can communicate as much as the word itself! In music.
The power of music: it can mesmerize many minds into surrender, submission, forgetfulness as one app

Rhythm and speed are two important aspects of holding attention, interest and mind.
Beat, rhythm shake, the spirit.the movement, the flow, the energy, strength, power, all combine to make music.

Music in the wildest sense is a measure of time, relaxation, recreation, understanding of nature, it's spread and manifestation. Use it wisely.
Increase, decrease, progressively spread, melodiously influence, grip, hold, make one surrender, mesmerize, lose the consciousness.

Clarity, certainty, beauty, grace, penetration, melody, affecting every life form, growth, vibration = nothing but wind. Sound and the gap uniquely occupying space and time. Purity is in the whole thing, the way you approach, the attitude, the clarity, the bhava and rasa that you enjoy, the comprehension that you display, the dedication and devotion that you manifest. Seen and understood are two different aspects. One is physical and the other is psychological.

Concentration, contemplation allows keenness in listening develop with silence is enhanced. Not a keen sense of hearing the sole of locks and keys close to bhava and arthas, feeling and meaning. sense and sensibility. Every lock has a heart, I listen to the heart and know all the secrets of the lock and key.

As you keep observing your depth, knowledge, understanding, clarity increases. As sight, sound, presentation is full of knowledge, understanding, maturity, clarity.

By giving an opportunity to think you be creative, you give creativity the wings to strengthen and fly, you give vision an opportunity to manifest, you give creativity an opportunity to flourish, grow, develop. Essential is good digestible food easily eliminated. Intelligible food that integrates the whole personality. Okra.!

Air as a medium of transport, formation of thought and ideas, as music as lows and highs as receptivity and reverberations, as receptivity and as richening process, concentrating the processes with in, a transforming prowess within by just lending the ears as the initiating function. The rhythm, flow and transforming fluency, the pitch, intensity the raise and the fall of melody, the everlasting memory, the uniqueness of experience, the wholeness of the event is unique.

Sound of a lock and the key slot is music to the ears of an artist who keenly listens to the sound of music, and opens the lock. Every lock should have a key and to the artist it's bare for he listens with all attention and sole. He listens to the sole of music.

Situation may be whatever there is an option. Jump outside or jump in. There is an option. You cease what is focused. Gain confidence. Desperation gives you solution, opportunity, a choice and a method.

Swift as the legs carry you, stronger as the thoughts float you by, the winds of change assist you, as you transform from one level to another, always grounded, reaching flights of imagination as guidance, proving it when others can see!
You are an artist.

Description art and artist, freedom and pattern, space and maths,

Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. General definitions of music include common elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements.

By ruminating on this one thought, word dhwani sound vibration you know all about sound contemplation, meditation, knowledge, understanding, clarity and diction unique, effort and enthusiasm phenomenal. Composition and comprehension, musical note, understanding and blend touches the core.

Information, vibration changes everything, perception, knowledge, understanding persistence, effect, thought, experience, clarity, music, devotion, dedication. To give a spread is within your power, to receive the gift is within your hearers capacity, capability, understanding.
Some thoughts can only be understood by prepared minds tuned to that understanding, sound vibrations, thoughts, formats, aspects, patterns, propositions. In all these you understand three levels of distinction. Proposal, acceptance, expert.

A person may or may not know the essence of music classification as to the raga or the flow of beat or space, or the rendering of sound but the sweetness of its receptivity from man, animals fish's and even the ded twig which gives rebirth to hear the sound rendering.

Feelings seek appropriate words supplied by mastery ilyaraja for everlasting memory to resonate in the consciousness.
Time and music as an expression across time and space, attitude and delivery.

Draw from your observation and imagination. Play music from what you know, understand, experience, imagine, invent, feel, use a string, block or your body to communicate! Confidence comes out of clarity in circumstances.

Optimum hard work pays off with good nutrition in due time.

Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose is an asana. A stretch, a pose, a position, an attitude, a function, a focus can lead to different levels of attention awareness, concentration, understanding.

Sanskrit: गोमुखासन; Go – Cow, Mukha – Face, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As: go-moo-khasana, integration of qualities in you.

What changes a little stretch can bring about in your personality?
I contemplated and read in detail every aspect of go mukha asana.
Crystal clear clarity, energy, effortlessness came to focus.

At a raga samarpanam, a kind of surrender of sound,
perhaps a meditation on silence, what can it reveal?
Your choice to discover, fathom, unwind, unfold.

Repeat the following sentence five times, reflect, contemplate,
ruminate and see changes in your personality.

Pacha bhootas, devotion, dedication, submission, surrender, practice, relentless practice, an offer to do better every time.

Beautiful, peaceful, calm, gentle, relaxed Piano sound in the background.

Beautiful, peaceful, calm, gentle, relaxed Piano sound.
Beautiful, peaceful, calm, gentle, relaxed Piano sound.
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Beautiful, peaceful, calm, gentle, relaxed Piano sound.

When repeated 3 million 4 thousand times, the space and time creates a new stamping of purity, grace, presentation that is unique, everlasting.

Analysis of sound.
An experiment.!.

Battery imbalance longevity, cleanliness, purity, balance and equilibrium.

Stretch and extension, strength and power, flexibility and longevity, symmetry, equilibrium, attitude and flexibility.

This asana takes its name from the Sanskrit words 'Go', meaning cow, 'Mukha', meaning face, and 'Asana', meaning pose. Incidentally, the word 'Go' also means light. It brings into focus a peaceful, contented connotation to ruminate on for a long time.

Get rid of anger, fear, tension. Gain calmness, relaxation, concentration, focus. Thopukaranam. A focal point, you may close the eyes, focus better internally. ( I can go up to an hour. ) this tests relaxation, bearability, tolerance, capacity and capability

Two physical formats that hit me hard and suddenly make me aware are flexibility, ease, comfort, pliability, stretch and emotions, listening to music adds to flexibility, ease of movement, It unwinds oneself from all complications.

This asana is extremely simple, yet extremely beneficial. Who could have imagined that a little stretching could go a long way in healing your body, mind, and soul?

Can be broken into interesting snippets.

Mother's day -
an oppotrubity for expression, experience, enjoyment! Inspiration! Knowledge, power, communication!

Can any day you feel like be the Mother's Day that you celebrate?
" To be called, known as isaikavi"
the queen of music,
It's a great perception.

Ramanan has given great attention, concentration,
awareness, understanding, creativity and focus to music.

Patience and persistence are two important drivers to achieve any goal any where you get interested.

Look at the details he gets when going so slow, involved, persistent, he is not beaten by the speed bug, does not care how it is received. Only cares he can catch all that is offered and craft them.

Life is a search in sound and light. Two dimension of search?
One branch of sound analysis is mantra, repetition, power, realization called as siddhi and another stage or level as mukthi, expertise and mastery to creativity i.e. from beginning to end realizing that there is no beginning or end but leads to self determination. It starts with you and ends with you. You are the master pianist. Capacity and freedom.

காளிதாசரின் இந்தப் பாடலை நாட்டியப் பள்ளிகளில் சொல்லித்தரும்போதே இப்படிச் சேர்த்து, பிரித்து வருகிற அர்த்தங்களையும் சொல்லி அபிநயிக்கக் கற்றுத்தருவார்கள்.

Sound used as communication tool, in medicine, in disease, in cure by knowledgeable persons, experts in music, people who probe deep down in mind!

So detailed and fully conscious of growth and development in future.
Abhinaya - communication - meaning - form - structure - rendering.
Speed comes because of understanding, knowledge, clarity! I understood magic square, sudoku, chess game, mind, development, growth.
Creativity, stretch and stability, precision and perfection, mental satisfaction, intention and accomplishment. Measure, magnify, be satisfied that it is immeaserable, can't be contained, yet manageable.

Dustin brown. Tennis shots. Focus on what gives him the flow, swiftness, intention, attitude execution, playfulness. Mastery, jokers attitude.

I love my carom, tennis, chess for they helped me develop internally, resolve, develop in self discipline and discover myself.

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement… memory development helps! 

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement. Steadiness is another aspect of movement. Safety is the prime consideration. Next movement is another aspect of change.

Feel free to learn underscore tamil.

How to cube, cube root, how to square, square root,
Learn 1 to 10, cube and cube root, unit digits and roots.
Hemangini- 21 to 30 squares easily remembered.
Vedic maths. Free to learn various courses.

Then 4 cases.
Number begins with 1, ends with 1, same no, different number,
(4) cases.
11), 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 12= 1 2 4 8. 13 6 9. 1 4 16 64
4 8. 6 18
1 7 2 8. 2 0 5 9

11), 21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91, 1 5 10 20

11), 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99, 1620

24, 47, 76, 98, 87, 56, 64, 35,

Solve for 12x12x12= short cut is knowing in detail and avoiding superfluous. Or carryover, borrow etc.

Flow, faith, trend, observation, water, nothing stops it. Enthusiasm, energy, hope, consideration.

Feel free to learn. Tamil

Comprehension, knowledge, understanding, use, utility, convenience, clarity, to put together. Ease, less effort. To Put together.

A stretch is a completeness of motion with emotion accompanied josh and just to the completeness of the stroke, the cleverness of speed positioning of the ball and the winning strike without being obstructed by the fielder.

Learn in two's, a pattern, a method, a technique, a procedure.
(Sweep and vision,)
(precision, accuracy,) closer to truth.
Two discrimination. One is 316= 99856 5 digits
and the other is 317= 100,049. 6 digits.

All you did was to add to the previous number. Unto 316 there was no problem, the sum came to 5 digits. 99856.
Essence unto the number 316 gives you when you square only unto 5 digits.

Adding one to 316 to 317 and doubling it gives 100,049. 6 digits, armed with this knowledge I.e. adding one and doubling it gives a six digit figure. 100,049. From 317 to 999 is a six digit figure. Understand. Clarify, simplify. Know. Algebra.

This is a important fact, a measure, a knowledge, can be used to know, predict, understand, in fact to do magic, invent numbers. You develop. You now know anything above 316 that is 317 when doubled gives you 6 digits when doubled. From 317 to 999. Armed with this knowledge you can impress others. Predict, calculate, invent.

There are other discriminants. Another classification into type a and b.
Are type A below 50. Five digits. Addition.
and type B, above 50 but below 999. Six digits. Subtraction.
With this 4 you can do wonders.

316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.
Repeated thrice so that memory becomes stronger.
Sweep and vision are two ways of noting with eyes!

317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.
317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.
317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits

Learn without seeing.

Precognition let's you forecast, be precise, accurate and be magical, all knowing, familiar with numbers. In fact a genius.

Knowing this allows you to predict the outcome, perform magic with numbers, instantly say results of operations. Speed, accuracy builtin, the fact makes you a genius. Some work and earn a lifetime of fame! Your memory will improve. Know format and build quality. Your awareness, understanding will increase. Classification becomes better. Comparison becomes great.

Okra helps.
Confidence increases practice, balance grows, equilibrium develops, looking at the mirror, looking at the eyes, tip of the nose also helps.better focus.

Type A, involves plus symbol . 203, 307, 412, 521, 913. Above 100,
Type B, involves minus symbol, 196, 291, 389, 492, 679 close below hundreds
+ 203. - 196. Reaches a whole number. Say 200, 300, 400, 500, 700.
+ 307. -291
+ 412. -389
+ 521. -492
+ 913. -679
Symbol involves movement by conventions.

(1) 412, 09, = 200 + 003. Add 003= 206. Multiply by 2 as you have 200 and 100 as base. ie 2x206= 412. This is three digits. Next is square of 03 which is 09. So the answer is 41209. A five digit number. This is square of 203. You know it is a five digit number as the original number is less than 316. A 5 digit number. If 317 will be six digit number 1,000,049. So we know the prior knowledge that the number is between 317 and 999. It will be six digit number for the square.

(2) 942,49,

(3) 1696 +144 = 169,744,

(4)=521 squared=271,441 = 27541. 5 digits

(5) 913 squared = 926 x 9= 8 3 3 4 +169 = 833,569. 6 digits.

Type b,
minus(1) 200-004 + -004 = -008 ie 200-008=192, 192x2= 384 Add(-4) squared= 16. Answer is 38416. 5 digits as number 196 is less than 316 squared.

Type b, minus (2) 291 squared = 009 less than 300. Subtract 009 from 291 will be 282. Multiply 282 by three, add 81, is 846,81, the answer. 5 digit number. Verify it's less than 316 squared. So it cannot be more than a 5 digit number.

Type b, minus (3) 389 squared = 011 less than 400. Subtract 011 from
389 will be378. Multiply 378 by four. Why? 4 times base number 100. 1512 +121 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 151321. Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.

Type b, minus (4) 492 squared = 008 less than 500. Subtract 008 from 492 will be 486. Multiply 486 by five. 243 O +64 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 243064 . Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.
Type B minus (5) 679 squared = 21 less than 700. Subtract 21 from 679 will be 658. Multiply 658 by 7= 4 60 6 add 21 squared= 4606+441= 461041

the answer 461041. Six digit number.

Clarity and preparedness takes the moments opportunity of change and moment.

Do all the others. Practice, practice become expert in the use of numbers of this is practice. Numerals and mental capacity be one. Become the master of blind folded maths. Practice for 15 minute s every day.

See below: in all languages. Become an expert, master, proficient.

201= 200+001 add +001= 202 multiply by 2. Because 1 00 is base number and you have chosen200. So multiply by2. = 404 This is three digits. Add o1 gives you 40401 as answer. Mental sum.

202= 200+ 02. Add +02= 2= 04 multiply by 2= 408, this is three digits. Add 04 gives you the answer 40804. Mental sum. (Check)

203= 200+003 add +003= 006 multiply by 2=412. This is three digits.
Add .03 squared gives 41209 as answer. 5 digit sum.

Mental sum with ease and training. Blindfolded performance with ease and simplicity, polish and finesse as one becomes expert, gains mastery with numbers. Practice and you shall achieve.

204=200+004. Add +004= 008. multiply by 2= 416. This is 3 digits. Add .4 squared gives, 41616 as five digit sum.

205= 200+005. Add +.005= .210. Multiply by 2= 420. This is 3 digits. Add .5 squared= 25. The answer is 42025.

206= 200+ 006 = 206. Add .006=212. Multiply by 2= 424. This is 3 digits. Add 0.06 squared=0.36, answer is 42436.

207=200+007= 207. Add 007= 214. Multiply by 2 as 200 is the base,= 428. add 0.07 squared to 428 it will give 42849 as answer.

208= 200+ 008 = add 008= 216 multiply by 2 as 200 is the base = 432.
Add 08 squared as 432+064 will give the result 43264 five digit result.

209= 200+ 009=209+ 009= 218 multiply by 2= 43681. 5 digit answer.

210= 200+010=210 add 010= 220. Multiply by 2= 440+100. Ans 44100.

211= 200+011=211 add 011= 222. Multiply by. 2= 444+121= 44521 as answer.

212= 200+ 012= 212. Add 012= 224. Multiply by 2= 448+144 = 44944 as answer.

213= 200+013= 213 add 013= 226 multiply by 2= 452+169 = 45369 answer.

P214= 200+014=214 add 014= 228 multiply by 2=456+1 96 =45796 answer.

215= 200+015=215 add 015 =230multiply by 2= 460+225= 46225 answer.

216= 200+016=216 add 016=232 multiply by 2=464+256=46656 answer.

217=200+017=217add 017= 234 multiply by 2= 468 +289=47089 answer.

218=200+018=218 add 018= 236 multiply by 2= 472 + 324= 47524:answer.

219= 200+019=219 add 019= 238 multiply by 2= 476 + 361= 47961, Answer.

220= 200+020= 220 add 020= 240 multiply by 2=480+ 400=48400,

Answer. From 21 to 30 squared

21 squared = 441, 22 squared = 484, 23 squared = 529, 24 squared = 576,
25 square =625, 26x26= 676, 27x27=729, 28x28=784, 29x29 =841, 30x30=900.

221= 200+21= 221 add 021= 242 multiply by 2=484+ 441 = 48841, Answer.

222= 200 +22= 222 add 022. Multiply by 2= 488+ 22 squared = 488+484= 49284 Answer.

223=200+ 23= 223.add 023. Multiply by 2= 492 +23squared =492+

All numbers you can recite, blindfolded with practice!
Now you know, practice and become perfect, mentally with numbers in this discipline. Shine and be known as genius.

Logic 316 =. 99856. 5 digits 317= 100,049 6 digits. You know the limitation, the extend that will take the answer.
The classification as A or B. Less than 50, more than 50 less than 999.
Know the limits and limitation and expertise. You are the master of what ever interests you!

Balance: equilibrium, movement and moment, rhythm and speed, grace and stillness, the twitch and shake, the opposites co existing,

Repetition helps in reenforcement and build up better memory, concise, precise, accurate statements. Confidence, courage, conviction builder.

30 square are yours for practicing, discovering your skills, magician blind folded skills development.

20x20. =400
21 squared= 441
  1. =484
23x23. =529
24x24. =576
25x25. =625
26x26. =676
27x27. =729
28x28 =784
29x29 =841
30x30. =900
Arranging different ways give different patterns and different ways of seeing information. Angle determines the outcome, patterns and results.

Get the engineering table square. Numbers, cubes, cube roots etc. build up a table and do magic for those who don't know. With a little practice and confidence you will build up a reputation.
Squares is information that you can use to grow.

1x1= 1,
3x3= 9

1,4,9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100. Is a pattern to remember, know, understand, experience. Look closer at 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. They occur all the time with slight modification. Suddenly you know the whole table. You can construct and reconstruct. You are a master! You know, understand. They form a line, a sentence. A method, a technique, a new pattern, a new ladder.

Another way to see! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, you know a whole table, in a nut shell. You know comprehension, symbol, short form of expression. You suddenly expanded. You know a lot.

15x15= 225

By heart till 30 squared and apply blind folded.

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

You may consider its relevance! 


Shared via the Google app

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Can you think? 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

CNR SHRUTHI , Song :Ninaithen Vanthai Nooru Vayathu. Compare the presentation with gaurie with over 3 million times still going strong. You will notice the still 100 times quality difference, clarity, purity, grace and delivery.  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

After Eating Okra, This Is What Happens With Your Body!  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Piano learning technology integration. 


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Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Friday, June 21, 2019

தேங்காய் பால் சாப்பிட்டால் இத்தனை நன்மைகளா? | coconut milk benefits. We have been indoctrinated in eating coconut! 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Ilayaraja Sir Kalyani ragam songs. Sweetness at singing! Vibration gives melody, travel in music. Symphony. Light music, rhythm, Lata mangeshkar in anand, a study in folk, beat sounds, rhythm, sound, composition. Beaty and grace in music. 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

நாதஸ்வர ஓசையிலே.. NATHASWARA OSAIYILE music! respect to sound! 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Reva Electric car || Solar Charging Station || Sakalakala Tv || Arunai S... knowledge is search for information based on need, want and research mentality. I know because I have experimented. 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Malare Mounama ( Cover) Madhu Iyer Abhay Jodhpukar Rajesh Vaidhya.  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

சித்தன் , முனிவன், ரிஷிகள், யோகிகள் மஹான்கள் வேற்றுமை | Indra Soundara... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

சித்தன் , முனிவன், ரிஷிகள், யோகிகள் மஹான்கள் வேற்றுமை | Indra Soundara... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

ஹீமோகுளோபினை அதிகரிக்க பாட்டி வைத்தியம் | increase hemoglobin in Tamil the wealth of knowledge and understanding on health and increase in blood supply from natural food instead of seeing as health deficient patient.  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mathematics is the queen of Sciences.  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

The History of Mathematics and Its Applications  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

VEDIC MATHS LEVEL 02 fist multiplication, addition, subtraction! Now division by Vedic method, procedure, technique, one line answer, no carry over, both left and right. 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

VEDIC MATHS LEVEL 01 terms, nikhiam, addition, compliment. Vedic maths! 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement… 

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement. Steadiness is another aspect of movement. Safety is the prime consideration. Next movement is another aspect of change.

Feel free to learn underscore tamil.

How to cube, cube root, how to square, square root,
Learn 1 to 10, cube and cube root, unit digits and roots.
Hemangini- 21 to 30 squares easily remembered.
Vedic maths. Free to learn various courses.

Then 4 cases.
Number begins with 1, ends with 1, same no, different number,
(4) cases.
11), 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 12= 1 2 4 8. 13 6 9. 1 4 16 64
4 8. 6 18
1 7 2 8. 2 0 5 9

11), 21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,

11), 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,

24, 47, 76, 98, 87, 56, 64, 35,

Solve for 12x12x12= short cut is knowing in detail and avoiding superfluous.

Flow, faith, trend, observation, water, nothing stops it. Enthusiasm, energy, hope, consideration.

Feel free to learn. Tamil

Comprehension, knowledge, understanding, use, utility, convenience, clarity, to put together. Ease, less effort. To Put together.

A stretch is a completeness of motion with emotion accompanied josh and just to the completeness of the stroke, the cleverness of speed positioning of the ball and the winning strike without being obstructed by the fielder.

Learn in twos, a pattern, a method, a technique, a procedure.
(Sweep and vision,)
(precision, accuracy,)
Two discrimination. One is 316= 99856 5 digits
and the other is 317= 100,049. 6 digits.
Essence unto the number 316 gives you when you square only unto 5 digits
This is a important fact, a measure, a knowledge, ca be used to know, predict, understand, in fact to do magic, invent numbers. You develop. You now know anything above 316 that is 317 when doubled gives you 6 digits when doubled. From 317 to 999. Armed with this knowledge you can impress others. Predict, calculate, invent.

There are other discriminants. Another classification into type a and b.
Are type A below 50. Five digits. Addition.
and type B, above 50 but below 999. Six digits. Subtraction.
With this 4 you can do wonders.

316 = 99856. (5 digits). Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.

Sweep and vision are two ways of noting with eyes!

317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.

Precognition let's you forecast, be precise, accurate and be magical, all knowing, familiar with numbers. In fact a genius.

Knowing this allows you to predict the outcome, perform magic with numbers, instantly say results of operations. Speed,accuracy builtin, the fact makes you a genius. Some work and earn a lifetime of fame! Your memory will improve. Your awareness, understanding will increase. Classification becomes better. Comparison becomes great.

Okra helps.
Confidence increases practice, balance grows, equilibrium develops, looking at the mirror, looking at the eyes, tip of the nose also helps.better focus.

Type A, involves plus symbol . 203, 307, 412, 521, 913. Above 100,
Type B, involves minus symbol, 196, 291, 389, 492, 679 close below hundreds
+ 203. - 196
+ 307. -291
+ 412. -389
+ 521. -492
+ 913. -679
Symbol involves movement by convention.
(1) 412, 09, (2) 942,49,
(3) 1696 +144 = 169,744,
(4)=521 squared=271,441 = 27541. 5 digits
(5) 913 squared = 926 x 9= 8 3 3 4 +169 = 833,569. 6 digits.

Type b, minus(1) 200-004 + -004 = -008 ie 200-008=192, 192x2= 384 Add(-4) squared= 16. Answer is 38416. 5 digits as number 196 is less than 316 squared.

Type b, minus (2) 291 squared = 009 less than 300. Subtract 009 from 291 will be 282. Multiply 282 by three, add 81, is 846,81, the answer. 5 digit number. Verify it's less than 316 squared. So it cannot be more than a 5 digit number.

Type b, minus (3) 389 squared = 011 less than 400. Subtract 011 from
389 will be378. Multiply 378 by four. 1512 +121 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 151321. Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.

Type b, minus (4) 492 squared = 008 less than 500. Subtract 008 from 492 will be 486. Multiply 486 by five. 243 O +64 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 243064 . Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.
Type B minus (5) 679 squared = 21 less than 700. Subtract 21 from 679 will be 658. Multiply 658 by 7= 4 60 6 add 21 squared= 4606+441= 461041

the answer 461041. Six digit number.

Clarity and preparedness takes the moments opportunity of change and moment.

Do all the others. Practice, practice become expert in the use of numbers of this is practice. Numerals and mental capacity be one. Become the master of blind folded maths. Practice for 15 minute s every day.

See below: in all languages. Become an expert, master, proficient.

201= 200+001 add +001= 202 multiply by 2. Because 1 00 is base number and you have chosen200. So multiply by2. = 404 This is three digits. Add o1 gives you 40401 as answer. Mental sum.

202= 200+ 02. Add +02= 2= 04 multiply by 2= 404, this is three digits. Add 04 gives you the answer 40804. Mental sum.

203= 200+003 add +003= 006 multiply by 2=412. This is three digits.
Add .03 squared gives 41209 as answer. 5 digit sum.

Mental sum with ease and training. Blindfolded performance with ease and simplicity, polish and finesse as one becomes expert, gains mastery with numbers. Practice and you shall achieve.

204=200+004. Add +004= 008. multiply by 2= 416. This is 3 digits. Add .4 squared gives,41616 as five digit sum.

205= 200+005. Add +.005= .210. Multiply by 2= 420. This is 3 digits. Add .5 squared= 25. The answer is 42025.

206= 200+ 006 = 206. Add .006=212. Multiply by 2= 424. This is 3 digits. Add 0.06 squared=0.36, answer is 42436.

207=200+007= 207. Add 007= 214. Multiply by 2 as 200 is the base,= 428. add 0.07 squared to 428 it will give 42849 as answer.

208= 200+ 008 = add 008= 216 multiply by 2 as 200 is the base = 432.
Add 08 squared as 432+064 will give the result 43264 five digit result.

209= 200+ 009=209+ 009= 218 multiply by 2= 43681. 5 digit answer.

210= 200+010=210 add 010= 220. Multiply by 2= 440+100. Ans 44100.

211= 200+011=211 add 011= 222. Multiply by. 2= 444+121= 44521 as answer.

212= 200+ 012= 212. Add 012= 224. Multiply by 2= 448+144 = 44944 as answer.

213= 200+013= 213 add 013= 226 multiply by 2= 452+169 = 45369 answer.

P214= 200+014=214 add 014= 228 multiply by 2=456+1 96 =45796 answer.

215= 200+015=215 add 015 =230multiply by 2= 460+225= 46225 answer.

216= 200+016=216 add 016=232 multiply by 2=464+256=46656 answer.

217=200+017=217add 017= 234 multiply by 2= 468 +289=47089 answer.

218=200+018=218 add 018= 236 multiply by 2= 472 + 324= 47524:answer.

219= 200+019=219 add 019= 238 multiply by 2= 476 + 361= 47961, Answer.

220= 200+020= 220 add 020= 240 multiply by 2=480+ 400=48400,

Answer. From 21 to 30 squared

21 squared = 441, 22 squared = 484, 23 squared = 529, 24 squared = 576,
25 square =625, 26x26= 676, 27x27=729, 28x28=784, 29x29 =841, 30x30=900.

221= 200+21= 221 add 021= 242 multiply by 2=484+ 441 = 48841, Answer.

222= 200 +22= 222 add 022. Multiply by 2= 488+ 22 squared = 488+484= 49284 Answer.

223=200+ 23= 223.add 023. Multiply by 2= 492 +23squared =492+

All numbers you can recite, blindfolded with practice!
Now you know, practice and become perfect, mentally with numbers in this discipline. Shine and be known as genius.

Logic 316 =. 99856. 5 digits 317= 100,049 6 digits. You know the limitation, the extend that will take the answer.
The classification as A or B. Less than 50, more than 50 less than 999.
Know the limits and limitation and expertise. You are the master of what ever interests you!

Balance: equilibrium, movement and moment, rhythm and speed, grace and stillness, the twitch and shake, the opposites co existing,

Repetition helps in reenforcement and build up better memory, concise, precise, accurate statements. Confidence, courage, conviction builder.

30 square are yours for practicing, discovering your skills, magician blind folded skills development.

20x20. =400
21 squared= 441
  1. =484
23x23. =529
24x24. =576
25x25. =625
26x26. =676
27x27. =729
28x28 =784
29x29 =841
30x30. =900
Arranging different ways give different patterns and different ways of seeing information. Angle determines the outcome, patterns and results.

Get the engineering table square. Numbers, cubes, cube roots etc. build up a table and do magic for those who don't know. With a little practice and confidence you will build up a reputation.
Squares is information that you can use to grow.

1x1= 1,
3x3= 9

1,4,9, 16, 25, 36,49, 64, 81, 100. Is a pattern to remember, know, understand, experience. Look closer at 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. They occur all the time with slight modification. Suddenly you know the whole table. You can construct and reconstruct. You are a master! You know, understand. They form a line, a sentence. A method, a technique, a new pattern, a new ladder.

Another way to see! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, you know a whole table, in a nut shell. You know comprehension, symbol, short form of expression. You suddenly expanded. You know a lot.

15x15= 225

By heart till 30 squared and apply blind folded.

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement… 

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement. Steadiness is another aspect of movement. Safety is the prime consideration. Next movement is another aspect of change.

Feel free to learn underscore tamil.

How to cube, cube root, how to square, square root,
Learn 1 to 10, cube and cube root, unit digits and roots.
Hemangini- 21 to 30 squares easily remembered.
Vedic maths. Free to learn various courses.

Then 4 cases.
Number begins with 1, ends with 1, same no, different number,
(4) cases.
11), 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 12= 1 2 4 8. 13 6 9. 1 4 16 64
4 8. 6 18
1 7 2 8. 2 0 5 9

11), 21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,

11), 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,

24, 47, 76, 98, 87, 56, 64, 35,

Solve for 12x12x12= short cut is knowing in detail and avoiding superfluous.

Flow, faith, trend, observation, water, nothing stops it. Enthusiasm, energy, hope, consideration.

Feel free to learn. Tamil

Comprehension, knowledge, understanding, use, utility, convenience, clarity, to put together. Ease, less effort. To Put together.

A stretch is a completeness of motion with emotion accompanied josh and just to the completeness of the stroke, the cleverness of speed positioning of the ball and the winning strike without being obstructed by the fielder.

Learn in twos, a pattern, a method, a technique, a procedure.
(Sweep and vision,)
(precision, accuracy,)
Two discrimination. One is 316= 99856 5 digits
and the other is 317= 100,049. 6 digits.
Essence unto the number 316 gives you when you square only unto 5 digits
This is a important fact, a measure, a knowledge, ca be used to know, predict, understand, in fact to do magic, invent numbers. You develop. You now know anything above 316 that is 317 when doubled gives you 6 digits when doubled. From 317 to 999. Armed with this knowledge you can impress others. Predict, calculate, invent.

There are other discriminants. Another classification into type a and b.
Are type A below 50. Five digits. Addition.
and type B, above 50 but below 999. Six digits. Subtraction.
With this 4 you can do wonders.

316 = 99856. 5 digits. Digits from 1 to 316 give answer in five digits.

Sweep and vision two ways of noting with eyes!

317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 give answer is six digits.

Precognition let's you forecast, be precise, accurate and be magical, all knowing, familiar with numbers. In fact a genius.

Knowing this allows you to predict the outcome, perform magic with numbers, instantly say results of operations. Speed,accuracy builtin, the fact makes you a genius. Some work and earn a lifetime of fame! Your memory will improve. Your awareness, understanding will increase. Classification becomes better. Comparison becomes great. Okra helps.
Confidence increases practice, balance, equilibrium, looking at the mirror, looking at the eyes, tip of the nose also helps.

Type A, involves plus symbol . 203, 307, 412, 521, 913. Above 100,
Type B, involves minus symbol, 196, 291, 389, 492, 679 close below hundreds
+ 203. - 196
+ 307. -291
+ 412. -389
+ 521. -492
+ 913. -679
Symbol involves movement by convention.
(1) 412, 09, (2) 942,49,
(3) 1696 +144 = 169,744,
(4)=521 squared=271,441 = 27541. 5 digits
(5) 913 squared = 926 x 9= 8 3 3 4 +169 = 833,569. 6 digits.

Type b, minus(1) 200-004 + -004 = -008 ie 200-008=192, 192x2= 384 Add(-4) squared= 16. Answer is 38416. 5 digits as number 196 is less than 316 squared.

Type b, minus (2) 291 squared = 009 less than 300. Subtract 009 from 291 will be 282. Multiply 282 by three, add 81, is 846,81, the answer. 5 digit number. Verify it's less than 316 squared. So it cannot be more than a 5 digit number.

Type b, minus (3) 389 squared = 011 less than 400. Subtract 011 from
389 will be378. Multiply 378 by four. 1512 +121 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 151321. Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.

Type b, minus (4) 492 squared = 008 less than 500. Subtract 008 from 492 will be 486. Multiply 486 by five. 243 O +64 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 243064 . Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.
Type B minus (5) 679 squared = 21 less than 700. Subtract 21 from 679 will be 658. Multiply 658 by 7= 4 60 6 add 21 squared= 4606+441= 461041

the answer 461041. Six digit number.

Clarity and preparedness takes the moments opportunity of change and moment.

Do all the others. Practice, practice become expert in the use of numbers of this is practice. Numerals and mental capacity be one. Become the master of blind folded maths. Practice for 15 minute s every day.

See below: in all languages. Become an expert, master, proficient.

201= 200+001 add +001= 202 multiply by 2. Because 1 00 is base number and you have chosen200. So multiply by2. = 404 This is three digits. Add o1 gives you 40401 as answer. Mental sum.

202= 200+ 02. Add +02= 2= 04 multiply by 2= 404, this is three digits. Add 04 gives you the answer 40804. Mental sum.

203= 200+003 add +003= 006 multiply by 2=412. This is three digits.
Add .03 squared gives 41209 as answer. 5 digit sum.

Mental sum with ease and training. Blindfolded performance with ease and simplicity, polish and finesse as one becomes expert, gains mastery with numbers. Practice and you shall achieve.

204=200+004. Add +004= 008. multiply by 2= 416. This is 3 digits. Add .4 squared gives,41616 as five digit sum.

205= 200+005. Add +.005= .210. Multiply by 2= 420. This is 3 digits. Add .5 squared= 25. The answer is 42025.

206= 200+ 006 = 206. Add .006=212. Multiply by 2= 424. This is 3 digits. Add 0.06 squared=0.36, answer is 42436.

207=200+007= 207. Add 007= 214. Multiply by 2 as 200 is the base,= 428. add 0.07 squared to 428 it will give 42849 as answer.

208= 200+ 008 = add 008= 216 multiply by 2 as 200 is the base = 432.
Add 08 squared as 432+064 will give the result 43264 five digit result.

209= 200+ 009=209+ 009= 218 multiply by 2= 43681. 5 digit answer.

210= 200+010=210 add 010= 220. Multiply by 2= 440+100. Ans 44100.

211= 200+011=211 add 011= 222. Multiply by. 2= 444+121= 44521 as answer.

212= 200+ 012= 212. Add 012= 224. Multiply by 2= 448+144 = 44944 as answer.

213= 200+013= 213 add 013= 226 multiply by 2= 452+169 = 45369 answer.

P214= 200+014=214 add 014= 228 multiply by 2=456+1 96 =45796 answer.

215= 200+015=215 add 015 =230multiply by 2= 460+225= 46225 answer.

216= 200+016=216 add 016=232 multiply by 2=464+256=46656 answer.

217=200+017=217add 017= 234 multiply by 2= 468 +289=47089 answer.

218=200+018=218 add 018= 236 multiply by 2= 472 + 324= 47524:answer.

219= 200+019=219 add 019= 238 multiply by 2= 476 + 361= 47961, Answer.

220= 200+020= 220 add 020= 240 multiply by 2=480+ 400=48400, Answer. From 21 to 30 squared

21 squared = 441, 22 squared = 484, 23 squared = 529, 24 squared = 576,
25squared =625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900.

221= 200+21= 221 add 021= 242 multiply by 2=484+ 441 = 48841, Answer.

222= 200 +22= 222 add 022. Multiply by 2= 488+ 22 squared = 488+484= 49284 Answer.

223=200+ 23= 223.add 023. Multiply by 2= 492 +23squared =492+

All numbers you can recite, blindfolded with practice!
Now you know, practice and become perfect, mentally with numbers in this discipline. Shine and be known as genius.

Logic 316 =. 99856. 5 digits 317= 100,049 6 digits. You know the limitation, the extend that will take the answer.
The classification as A or B. Less than 50, more than 50 less than 999.
Know the limits and limitation and expertise. You are the master of what ever interests you!

Balance: equilibrium, movement and moment, rhythm and speed, grace and stillness, the twitch and shake, the opposites co existing,

Repetition helps in reenforcement and build up better memory, concise, precise, accurate statements. Confidence, courage, conviction builder.

30 square are yours for practicing, discovering your skills, magician blind folded skills development.

20x20. =400
21 squared= 441
  1. =484
23x23. =529
24x24. =576
25x25. =625
26x26. =676
27x27. =729
28x28 =784
29x29 =841
30x30. =900

Get the engineering table square. Numbers, cubes, cube roots etc. build up a table and do magic for those who don't know. With a little practice and confidence you will build up a reputation.

1x1= 1,
3x3= 9

15x15= 225

By heart till 30 squared and apply blind folded.

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

குடிநீருக்கு பஞ்சமில்லாத வீடு... 'சோலார்' சுரேஷின் கலக்கல் கண்டுபிடிப்பு... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

ஆச்சர்யமூட்டும் அமெரிக்க கிராமம்!! | No Electricity, No mobile | Kaipull... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

ஆச்சர்யமூட்டும் அமெரிக்க கிராமம்!! | No Electricity, No mobile | Kaipull... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement… I practice every day! 

How to cube a number faster? Speed is one aspect of essence of movement. Steadiness is another aspect of movement. Safety is the prime consideration. Next movement is another aspect of change.

Feel free to learn underscore tamil.

How to cube, cube root, how to square, square root,
Learn 1 to 10, cube and cube root, unit digits and roots.
Hemangini- 21 to 30 squares easily remembered.
Vedic maths. Free to learn various courses.

Then 4 cases.
Number begins with 1, ends with 1, same no, different number,
(4) cases.
11), 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 12= 1 2 4 8. 13 6 9. 1 4 16 64
4 8. 6 18
1 7 2 8. 2 0 5 9

11), 21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,

11), 22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,

24, 47, 76, 98, 87, 56, 64, 35,

Solve for 12x12x12= short cut is knowing in detail and avoiding superfluous.

Flow, faith, trend, observation, water, nothing stops it. Enthusiasm, energy, hope, consideration.

Feel free to learn. Tamil

Comprehension, knowledge, understanding, use, utility, convenience, clarity, to put together. Ease, less effort. To Put together.

A stretch is a completeness of motion with emotion accompanied josh and just to the completeness of the stroke, the cleverness of speed positioning of the ball and the winning strike without being obstructed by the fielder.

Sweep and vision,
precision, accuracy,
Two discrimination. One is 316= 99856 5 digits
and the other is 317= 100,049. 6 digits.

Are type A below 50. Five digits. Addition and type B, subtraction. above 50 but below 999. Six digits.

316 = 99856. 5 digits. Digits from 1 to 316 give five digits answer.

Sweep and vision two ways of noting with eyes!

317=100,049. 6 digits. From 317. to 999 answer is six digits.

Precognition let's you forecast, be precise, accurate and be magical, all knowing, familiar with numbers. In fact a genius.

Knowing this allows you to predict the outcome, perform magic with numbers, instantly say results of operations. Speed,accuracy builtin, the fact makes you a genius. Some work and earn a lifetime of fame! Your memory will improve. Your awareness, understanding increases. Classification becomes better. Comparison becomes great. Okra helps.
Confidence increases practice, balance, equilibrium, looking at the mirror, looking at the eyes, tip of the nose.

Type A, involves plus symbol . 203, 307, 412, 521, 913. Above 100,
Type B, involves minus symbol, 196, 291, 389, 492, 679 close below hundreds
+ 203. - 196
+ 307. -291
+ 412. -389
+ 521. -492
+ 913. -679
Symbol involves movement by convention.
(1) 412, 09, (2) 942,49,
(3) 1696 +144 = 169,744,
(4)=521 squared=271,441 = 27541. 5 digits
(5) 913 squared = 926 x 9= 8 3 3 4 +169 = 833,569. 6 digits.

Type b, minus(1) 200-004 + -004 = -008 ie 200-008=192, 192x2= 384 Add(-4) squared= 16. Answer is 38416. 5 digits as number 196 is less than 316 squared.

Type b, minus (2) 291 squared = 009 less than 300. Subtract 009 from 291 will be 282. Multiply 282 by three, add 81, is 846,81, the answer. 5 digit number. Verify it's less than 316 squared. So it cannot be more than a 5 digit number.

Type b, minus (3) 389 squared = 011 less than 400. Subtract 011 from
389 will be378. Multiply 378 by four. 1512 +121 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 151321. Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.

Type b, minus (4) 492 squared = 008 less than 500. Subtract 008 from 492 will be 486. Multiply 486 by five. 243 O +64 is a 7 digit number, so write 121 below 2. The answer is 243064 . Verify before presentation. Two status. 5 or 6 digits number. Belongs to A or B. Type, class or 50 or less 51 or more.
Type B minus (5) 679 squared = 21 less than 700. Subtract 21 from 679 will be 658. Multiply 658 by 7= 4 60 6 add 21 squared= 4606+441= 461041

the answer 461041. Six digit number.

Clarity and preparedness takes the moments opportunity of change and moment.

Do all the others. Practice, practice become expert in the use of numbers of this is practice. Numerals and mental capacity be one. Become the master of blind folded maths. Practice for 15 minute s every day.

See below: in all languages. Become an expert, master, proficient.

201= 200+001 add +001= 202 multiply by 2. = 404 This is three digits. Add o1 gives you 40401 as answer. Mental sum.

202= 200+ 02. Add +02= 2= 04 multiply by 2= 404, this is three digits. Add 04 gives you the answer 40804. Mental sum.

203= 200+003 add +003= 006 multiply by 2=412. This is three digits.
Add .03 squared gives 41209 as answer. 5 digit sum.

Mental sum with ease and training. Blindfolded performance with ease and simplicity, polish and finesse as one becomes expert, gains mastery with numbers.

204=200+004. Add +004= 008. multiply by 2= 416. This is 3 digits. Add .4 squared gives,41616 as five digit sum.

205= 200+005. Add +.005= .210. Multiply by 2= 420. This is 3 digits. Add .5 squared= 25. The answer is 42025.

206= 200+ 006 = 206. Add .006=212. Multiply by 2= 424. This is 3 digits. Add .006 squared=.036, answer is 42436.

207=200+007= 207. Add 007= 214. Multiply by 2 as 200 is the base,= 428. add .007 squared to 428 it will give 42849 as answer.

208= 200+ 008 = add 008= 216 multiply by 2 as 200 is the base = 432.
Add 08 squared as 432+064 will give the result 43264 five digit result.

209= 200+ 009=209+ 009= 218 multiply by 2= 43681. 5 digit answer.

210= 200+010=210 add 010= 220. Multiply by 2= 440+100. Ans 44100.

211= 200+011=211 add 011= 222. Multiply by. 2= 444+121= 44521 as answer.

212= 200+ 012= 212. Add 012= 224. Multiply by 2= 448+144 = 44944 as answer.

213= 200+013= 213 add 013= 226 multiply by 2= 452+169 = 45369 answer.

P214= 200+014=214 add 014= 228 multiply by 2=456+1 96 =45796 answer.

215= 200+015=215 add 015 =230multiply by 2= 460+225= 46225 answer.

216= 200+016=216 add 016=232 multiply by 2=464+256=46656 answer.

217=200+017=217add 017= 234 multiply by 2= 468 +289=47089 answer.

218=200+018=218 add 018= 236 multiply by 2= 472 + 324= 47524:answer.

219= 200+019=219 add 019= 238 multiply by 2= 476 + 361= 47961, Answer.

220= 200+020= 220 add 020= 240 multiply by 2=480+ 400=48400, Answer. From 21 to 30 squared

21 squared = 441, 22 squared = 484, 23 squared = 529, 24 squared = 576,
625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900.

221= 200+21= 221 add 021= 242 multiply by 2=484+ 441 = 48841, Answer.

222= 200 +22= 222 add 022. Multiply by 2= 488+ 22 squared = 488+484= 49284 Answer.

223=200+ 23= 223.add 023. Multiply by 2= 492 +23squared =492+

All numbers you can recite, blindfolded with practice!
Now you know, practice and become perfect, mentally with numbers in this discipline. Shine and be known as genius.

Logic 316 =. 99856. 5 digits 317= 100,049 6 digits. You know the limitation, the extend that will take the answer.
The classification as A or B. Less than 50, more than 50 less than 999.
Know the limits and limitation and expertise. You are the master of what ever interests you!

Balance: equilibrium, movement and moment, rhythm and speed, grace and stillness, the twitch and shake, the opposites co existing,

Repetition helps in reenforcement and build up better memory, concise, precise, accurate statements. Confidence, courage, conviction builder.

30 square are yours for practicing, discovering your skills, magician blind folded skills development.

21 squared=

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Start Eating 2 Cloves Per Day, See What Will Happen to You, 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com



Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

தர்மத்தின் அடிப்படியில் இந்த தேசம் நின்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது | ஸ்ரீ கிருஷண... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

தர்மத்தின் அடிப்படியில் இந்த தேசம் நின்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது | ஸ்ரீ கிருஷண... 


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Vaikom Vijayalakshmi & Uthara's 2 mesmerizing live performances  


Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

Gowri. 3 million, 25 thousands. Read and pay attention if you can, notice the difference if you may. Does it develop, patience or boredom. Do you develop an urge to learn or boredom to bypass, chaltha hai. let go! 

Gowri. 3 million, 25 thousands. As of tonight!

: ninaithen vanthai nooru vayathu, I thought, you appeared 100 years life.
The power of thought in materialization, the length of life given to it.

Such powerful concepts, repeated so many times by both, additional encomiums,

3,000,540 @ 8.11 P.M. Count from Gowri. It's June. 14 Friday .
Gowri will reach 3 million by the end of the 16 June 2019. Look at her repetition. Reputation and sweetness. 3. Million times.
In todays 3 million songs in Tamil.

3,000,343 at 07.00 P.M.
3,000,458 at 07.30 P.M.
3,000,540 ay 08.11 P.M.
3,000,730 at 09.25 P.M.
3,000,786 at. 10.04 P.M.
3,000,853 at 11.00 P.M.
3,000,861 at 11.05 P.M.
3,000,870 at 11.15 P.M.
3,000,930 at 12.01 A.M.
3,001,692 at 4.22 A.M.
3,001,744 at 4.30 A.M.
3,001,999 at 7.00 A.M. 15 Saturday.
3,005,552 at 4,30 P.M. 15 Saturday. June 2019.
3,005,750 at 4.45 P.M. 15 Saturday.June 2019
3,006,000 at 5,00 P.M. 15 Saturday. June 2019.
3,006,561 at 6.14 P.M. 15 Saturday. June 2019.
3,007,245. at 11.02 P.M. 15 Saturday. June 2019.
3,008,015 at 3.45 A.M. 16 Sunday. June 2019.
3,008,285. at 4,31 A.M. 16 Sunday. June 2019.
3,009,725. at 9.00. On. Sunday 16 June. 2019.
3,010,275 at 11.00on Sunday 16 June. 2019.
3,010,560 at 12.20 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,040 at 2.00 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,231 at 02.08 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,741 at 03.21. P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,012,064 at 04.00 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,013,350 at 12.51 A.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,013,610 at 1.10. A.M. 17 Monday. 2019.
3,013,925 at 3.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019.
3,014,100 at 4.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,015,002 at 7.11 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,016,110 at 11.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,016,400, at 12,15 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,016,600, at 1.05 P.M. 17 Monday 2019
3,017,153, at 2.36 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,018,393. at 4.52 P.M. 17 Monday, 2019.
3,019,763 at 11.06 P.M. 17 Monday 2029
3,020,858 at 5.30 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,427 at 07.00 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,527 at 8.30 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,865 at 9.00 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,023,423 at 2.22 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,000 at 3.45. P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,812 at 5.15 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,025,590 at 8.00 P.M. 18 Tuesday. 2019

3,025,590 at 8.00P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019

Precision, accuracy, diction, dedication, devotion, clarity adds to your concept of pristine purity and grace! Attitude of plenty and not being stringent.

Buying, selling and learning is so vital in productivity, creativity, sales and satisfaction that time becomes a factor in presentation, acceptance, appreciation.

Thank you for the sweet love, extraordinary performance, presentation, measured breath control, delivery, dress sense. Choice of Words of beautiful expression. Reflection of rasa, bhava, feelings and presentations were unique.

You write the law as you go along! You experience the law
As you feel.
As you think.
As you want.
You are the prime mover. In piano!

Dedication, devotion, determination, mental resolve, resolution.

Negotiation by arrow at the end of page. > <> page number.
Eg geetha sambasivam, yoga. How to set fonts? Change fonts?

A smiling face, with a smiling eyes, beautiful treat is a welcome asset in any gathering. It indicates welcome, happiness, auspiciousness, easily approachable, prolonging, problem solving attitude. Dedication, devotion, concentration, attention, awareness takes a form of sound feeling sweetness, pleasantness and repeated practice, feeling, effective communication breath, rhythm, smile grace, majesticity, nimbleness.

Problem of plenty starts with attitude. Never be lazy. Start with filling up water. Drinking will be better. You will get unknown compliments. Fill up the gas tank always. Will be useful to you. Others appreciate that you never leave the gas tank unfilled. Compliments your attitude and preparation in an emergency.slowly you build up an attitude of plenty. Between convenience and compliment always prefer the compliment.

Yogasanam: geeta sambasivam

நோய் எதிர்ப்புச் சக்தி உண்டாகும். சுவாசப் பைகள், இருதயம் போன்றவைகளைச் சுறுசுறுப்பாகச் செயல்பட வைக்கும். ரத்தவோட்டம் அதிகரிக்கும். ஜீரணசக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும். பேச்சிலும், செயலிலும் நிதானமும், விவேகமும் தானாக வரும். இவற்றிற்கெல்லாம் ஆதாரமான நமது உடலைப்பற்றிச் சிறிது பார்ப்போமா?

பிராணாயாமம் என்பது மூச்சினை முறையாக உள்ளிழுத்துப்பின் வெளி விடுவதற்கான ஒரு சிறந்த பயிற்சி ஆகும். யோகம் என்னும் மாபெரும் பயிற்சியின் இன்றியமையாத ஒரு பயிற்சி ஆகும் இது. இந்தச் செயல்முறை மூலமே யோகத்தின் அடுத்த பயிற்சிகளை நாம் நன்கு புரிந்து கொண்டு செய்ய இயலும். இந்தப் பிராணாயாமத்தில் குறிப்பிடப் படும் பிராணன் என்பது நம் மூச்சுக்காற்று மட்டுமன்று, அது ஒரு உள்முக ஆற்றல், பிரபஞ்சத்தின் அறிய முடியாததொரு நுட்பம் நிறைந்தது. நம் நாடிகளில் இவை இயங்கும் நிலைக்கு ஏற்பப் பத்து வகைப்படுகிறது. பிராணன், அபானன், வியானன், உதானன், சமானன், நாகன், கூர்மன், கிருகரன், தேவதத்தன், தனஞ்சயன் என்பன ஆகும். தமிழில் இது சரப்பழக்கம் என்றும் வாசி யோகம் எனவும் அழைக்கப் படுகிறது.

3,010,275 at 11.00 A.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,275 at 02.16 .P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,500 at 03.00. P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,011,700 at 04.00 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,012,064 at 04.00 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,012,470 at 05.00 P.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,013,350 at 12.51 A.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,013,610 at 01.10. A.M. 17 Monday. 2019.
3,013,925 at 03.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019.
3,014,100 at 04.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,015,002 at 7.11 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,016,110 at 11.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,016,400, at 12,15 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,016,600, at 1.05 P.M. 17 Monday 2019
3,017,153, at 2.36 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,018,393. at 4.52 P.M. 17 Monday, 2019.
3,020,990 at 12.35 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2029.
3,021,032 at 12.55 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,858. at 05.30 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019.
3,021,858 at 5.30 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,427 at 07.00 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,527 at 8.30 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,021,865 at 9.00 A.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,022,471 at 11.06. A.M 18 Tuesday 2019
3,022,868 at 12.30 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,023,000 at 5.30 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,023,000 at 6.30 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019

3,023,423 at 2.22 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,000 at 3.45. P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,812 at 5.15 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,025,590 at 8.00 P.M. 18 Tuesday. 2019
3,025,590 at 8.00P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019

Concentration, focus, quiet soul, listen to sound. The gap and sound of the lock is very sacred. Every lock has a key and every key has lock and there is harmony between them. They hold each other, gently but firmly. You listen to this harmony.

You have got an operating system called the inner mind and two instruments called the ears. Both are open and unfathomable. Train them to capacity. listen to harmony and patience. You will achieve the impossibilities.

Confidence, certainty, self assurance, personality flowering. Taste of saliva instead following others culture, you matter. You have something more valuable than yourself. Shatter all boundaries and go beyond. Be a good patient listener. You might learn a lot more than the limitations . Remember that you have a penetrating eye. The mind. Cool the eyes with a coolant. Bring the heat down and increase the penetration, capacity up. Eye care will be dealt with in days to come.

Skill, eyesight, coordination, rhythm, focus, attention, purpose, goal,
ease, details, happiness, pleasure, anticipation, expectation. Words and meaning conveyed are different depending on moods.

Clarity, eloquence, freshness, diction, distinction, application, effort, purity. Chopsticks. Runs (97.24 minutes) ( subtitles in English, Hindi (cc), modern Chinese, Spanish, traditional Chinese). Everything unique is wonderful, less than 100 minutes, learn languages too,! In a day you can learn 5 languages, note how acting differs or no, learn a lot about talent, diction etc. is available on Netflix.

Nervousness, disaster, loss of car, confidence, buildup of alternatives, transformation, experiences, realization, recovery. Confidence.

Be multi lingual, expands mind, thinking, feeling, expression! Citizen of the world, vasudeva kudumbakam.

Panchangam by Pandit S.P. ( a new word) ... Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra,Yoga and Karana are the five elements of time called panch-anga. ... Apart from these five main elements of time, the traditional Panchanga also gives details about the daily Lagnas, Horas, good and bad times in a day etc.

Total sight, insight.

Thank you for the sweet love, extraordinary performance, presentation, measured breath control, delivery, dress sense. Choice of Words of beautiful expression. Reflection of rasa, bhava, feelings and presentations were unique.

You write the law as you go along! You experience the law
As you feel.
As you think.
As you want.
You are the prime mover. In piano!

Negotiation by arrow at the end of page. > <> page number.
Eg geetha sambasivam, yoga. How to set fonts? Change fonts?

A smiling face, with a smiling eyes, beautiful treat is a welcome asset in any gathering. It indicates welcome, happiness, auspiciousness, easily approachable, prolonging solving attitude. Dedication, devotion, concentration, attention, awareness takes a form of sound feeling sweetness, pleasantness and repeated practice, feeling, effective communication breath, rhythm, smile grace, majesticity, nimbleness.

3,005,552 times a single song at 4.30 P.M. 15. Saturday, June 2019. 3005,750 at 4.45 P.M.
3006,561 at 6.15. 3007, 245 at 11.02 P.M. 15 Saturday June 2019.
3,008,015 at 3.45. A.M. 16 Sunday. June 2019.
3,008,285 at 4.35 A.M. 3,009,312 at 7.30 A.M. 16 Sunday. 2019.
3,010,275 at 11.00 A.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,010,275 at 11.00 A.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,010,275 at 11.00 A.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,010,275 at 11.00 A.M. 16 Sunday 2019.
3,016,110 at 11.05 A.M. 17 Monday, 2019
3,016,400, at 12,15 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,016,600, at 1.05 P.M. 17 Monday 2019
3,017,153, at 2.36 P.M. 17 Monday 2019.
3,018,393. at 4.52 P.M. 17 Monday, 2019.
3,019,484. at 8.24 P.M. 17 Monday 2029.
3,023,423 at 2.22 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,000 at 3.45. P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,024,812 at 5.15 P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019
3,025,590 at 8.00 P.M. 18 Tuesday. 2019
3,025,590 at 8.00P.M. 18 Tuesday 2019

Concentration, focus, quiet soul, listen to sound. The gap and sound of the lock. Every lock has a key and every key has lock and there is harmony between them. They hold each other, gently but firmly. You listen to this harmony.

You have got an operating system called the inner mind and two instruments19 called the ears. Both are open and unfathomable. Train them to capacity. listen to harmony and patience. You will achieve the impossibilities.

Confidence, certainty, self assurance, personality flowering. Taste of saliva instead following others culture, you matter. You have something more valuable than yourself. Shatter all boundaries and go beyond. Be a good patient listener. You might learn a lot more than the limitations . Remember that you have a penetrating eye. Cool the eyes with a coolant. Eye care will be dealt with in days to come.

Skill, eyesight, coordination, rhythm focus, attention, purpose, goal,
ease, details, happiness, pleasure, anticipation, expectation. Words and meaning conveyed are different depending on moods.

Clarity, eloquence, freshness, diction, distinction, application, effort, purity. Chopsticks. Runs (97.24 minutes) ( subtitles in English, Hindi (cc), modern Chinese, Spanish, traditional Chinese). Everything unique is wonderful, less than 100 minutes, learn languages too,! In a day you can learn 5 languages, note how acting differs or no, learn a lot about talent, diction etc.

Nervousness, disaster, loss of car, confidence, buildup of alternatives, transformation, experiences, realization, recovery.

Be multi lingual, expands mind, thinking, feeling, expression! Citizen of the world, vasudeva kudumbakam.

Panchangam by Pandit S.P. ( a new word) ... Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra,Yoga and Karana are the five elements of time called panch-anga. ... Apart from these five main elements of time, the traditional Panchanga also gives details about the daily Lagnas, Horas, good and bad times in a day etc.

Total sight, insight.

Days Since Kaliyuga: 1870156.23218

Julian Day: 2458620.23218

Hindu Panchang Moon Rise: 16:36:12

Hindu Panchang Moon Set: 03:47:33

Every situation has an option. It is only a question of jump. An action. You could jump inside! Step back. Take a refresh look from safety. You think in the mind extreme situations only. The other situations do not come up. They have no time, space and occupation. So we decide and act accordingly, suffer pain, anxiety, uncertainty, tragic end.

Saliva is one liquid that clothes every article that goes inside the throat, digestive, alimentary, eliminatory, assimilative canals, reproductive functions. When in anger spit saliva.

Tukaram ki jai,! The saliva is treated with such importance as anger, fear, jealousy, hatred and even negativity.

Lot to learn on saliva and pranayama, length of life, longevity and resistance to diseases. Saliva has a growth factor.
(read pranayama by balasunder)

Every day, time, something new, important is added for you to refresh.

Focuses on Efficiency, Stability, & Safety nephrology and drinking water.
Read on saliva!

Take a sip of water, wet it and eat it, do not drink. Action determines the process. You chew the water and do not drink or gulp it but speedup showing the urgency in the mind or the rest of the body. Volume at atone is important. It governs so many psychological factors. You get space and time between your action. Think to wet your system slowly. Pause, relax, steady your nerves. Peace becomes a factor. Anger does not rise. Small doses of water, very effective.

No more kidney problem, solution from a nephrologist on diabetics. Awareness learnt from a Muslim, an Indian living in Kashmir.
Indigestion and a host of problems, got solved by taking sips of water. A new discovery, a fresh understanding, a level of clarity. A discovery done when the spoon was changed to 5 ml. This led to assimilation of food, efficiency, no wastage, retention time, improvement, feeling of hunger and fullness. After this the taste and smell improved. Patience got built up.

Every time you open the mouth, it's time for relaxation, recreation, change, conversion of energy, transformation, do you understand, eat aloe vera every day! Make it a ritual in food providing. Health, wealth and sustenance are in your hands. Enjoying the environment is in your attitude. You love providing good, exotic healthy food.

One song, one thought getting to finer nuances, expressions, deliberations, discoveries as she repeats, the environment gives birth, to force and power of repetition, clarity, contemplation, depth, longevity, uniqueness, everlasting appearances, widening space, focus, energy, strength.

693 one up one down, balance, equanimity, centered, self propagating, swayambu, poornamadham, poornamidham, poornath, poornam udichayate.

Competence, preparedness, contemplation, stroke at every glance, position and disposition, placement, performance, entertainment, enjoyment.

The stream runs the slope, finds the depth, flowers, fructifies and benefits all. The budding, blossoming, fructifying is with a purpose, aim, attitude.

In a women pancha bhutas like fire, air, space, earth and water elements, ' kamam, pasam, anbu, santham, santhosham', should be bundled.

How the flow of air through the bamboo became a rhythm, music with grammar and philosophy of sound in time and space? Bamboo flute, is mesmerizing, one has got music, beauty, rhythm, mind relaxation.

When every child goes to school and no child is left behind education becomes an industry ready to give occupation to every mind!

Dilution, transformation, conversion is a common factor of knowledge, understanding and clarity of observation and not a factor of fear, ridicule or mastery of the circumstances.
remember :-

Concentrate and contain, dilute and disperse. This happens through out nature. Observe, know, understand, experience. Taste and smell are two things that increase your awareness with heat and cold.

Work and I will Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.

Changes in dhwani, parvai, bhavam, sound, sight, feeling, can be perceived. Application, practice and attitude are the means and methods suggested apart from keen interest, selflessness and love for all. Dharavi located in Mumbai, is the best slum in the world.

Creation of situation by jumping there is no option but death! Will you jump? All that I said was will you jump? You could jump one step back to safety and look again. There is no opportunity without an option. Look carefully, not in confusion, fear, anxiety, tension. There is another option always.
Recreational mathematician, Martin Gardner. Look at his book. Be a maths wizard.! Donating a mathematical eyesight.
Equilibrium, symmetry, centre, focus, balanced are a point of interest. Look for these in every situation

Feel free to learn underscore tamil:

Peaceful state is a mental feeling state of calmness. Felt, a subsidized, subdued state, at rest state.

Some names to throw by Leelawathi, lilavati, creativity is tackling unusual products. Magic square, ramanujan birthday, universal projections, rarest memory, Prof. K. Ramasubramanian, IIT. Mumbai. Magic square, narayana pandit. 75 sutras for pan diagram, creativity.
Graham mihira best astrologer.
Signature , parinam, the expression, the crypticity, the shortening of form, structure, scale, pattern.

Cracking the cryptic! An expression of solution.
From known to unknown or vice versa. It's a journey. A method. A technique. A movement. An understanding of a matrix, a distribution.
Simple techniques to think fast and to gain purposeful, meaningful results.

To spot, the hidden loner, is no easy joke to spot and from 8.5 minutes in wasted attempts. From then on it can be fast and easy. Pattern was settled. Method was easy. One insightful identification cracked open the puzzle. Played 8,9,1, 2,7, and the left side square made me go. Search and you will find. Seek and you will discover!

Keen observation, penetrating, from denser to rarer, from column type to cell type, the focus from broad to narrow, a change in pattern, perspective, indicates a shift in focus and distribution. a change in matrix, situation, the odd naked cell stands out, of 1 and 2 and since 1 is there it must be 2. Logic of elimination.

Logic pervades, understanding, insight, happens. Next cell the one on the right solve and you know the technique, method, procedure trick and save time for fast solution without problems and are known as a genius.

Pleasantry is equilibrium, balance, pleasant to hear, lower pitch, relaxation in tone, communication, sweetness. Settles in, slow, savor, enjoy, salivate, dilute, know the perspective, change. Melody and rhythm.

Grace and charm are totally missing from rendering. A special training in bhava and rasa are required to learn the language which used to be natural. Are we loving something every day? Capacities and capabilities?

Practice the notes on as many instruments as possible, get its grove into your psyche. Let courage, confidence come out in - mohanam raga. Be your focus of Music notes, 6 each in equilibrium.

Let them guide your equanimity. Bifurcation. When shit happens in my life I turn it into fertilizer. I think positively like a proton. There is always a solution, the opposites co exist. You can take one step back and rethink. It can be my car. An artist, a cook, a creator. The chopstick. Cool pack keep for five minutes in morning. Cool your eyes for better vision. Cool blood supply. Wash your face with cold water!

Patience, relaxation, balance, equilibrium. Mid night, midday, morning, evening, night, before, after, now, never. Time, event, occupation, occurrence,

Chess: ramanujan style male-female. Odd-even, Compliments.
Three squares of 16. A +. null; +. new magic square, infinite magic square. Wealth of numbers.

Keep calm and practice! Knowledge is important. Application reinforces it. Power of tExcellent calculation and execution, between stale mate scare.

5 + 5 = 10 Aa + Av, sa ri ga pa da :: da pa ga ri sa! SRGPD:: DPGR
Was never interested in the lyrics! Now in two languages! Discovered that the male and female rendering. The original song by M.G.R. Had just 16500 exposures. Now more than 3 million. The power of thought materialization, rendering: concentration on speech to the extent of actualization, realization. Materialization.

M: Ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
kaettaen thanthaay aasai manathu,
ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
ketten thanthaai aasai manathu

F: ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
kaettaen thanthaay aasai manathu,

Thought influences action for long life!
Request influences generosity and kindness!

M: nooru nilaavai oru nilavaakki paavai enben

F: aayiram malarai oru malaraakki paarvai enben,

M: kan meenaaga maanaaga nindraadav
F: sol thenaaga thaayaga panpaadavo
M: maalai neram vanthuravaadavo

F: maalai neram vanthuravaadavo

F: ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
ketten thanthaai aasai manathu...

M: nilai kannaadi kannam kandu aahaa..
malar kalloorum kinnam endru oho..
athu sinthaamal kollaamal pakkam vaa
anbu thenodai paayginra sorkkam vaa,
athu sinthaamal kollaamal pakkam vaa
anbu thaenodai paaiginra sorkkam vaa,

F: mannan tholodu alli konjum pillai
avan therodu pinni chellum mullai,
unnai nenjenra manjaththil santhiththen
unthan kai kondu unnaatha kanniththen,
unnai nenjenra manjaththil santhiththen
unthan kai kondu unnaatha kanniththen,

F: ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
ketten thanthaai aasai manathu...

M: idai noolaadi chella chella aahaa

F: athai melaadai moodikkolla oho,

M: sinna poomeni kaanaatha kannenna

F: solli theeraatha inbangal ennenna,

M: sinna poomeni kaanaatha kannenna

F: solli theeraatha inbangal ennenna

Both: oh..oh..oh..oyyyaa...
ninaiththen vanthaai nooru vayathu
ketten thanthaai aasai manathu


பெ: ஆஅ ஆஅ   ஆஆ ஆஅ ஆஅஹ் 
ஆஅ ஆ ஆஅ ஆஅ ஆஅ ஆஅஹ் 

ஆ; நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது   Repetition, flexibility, ease, comfort, memory reinforcement,
கேட்டேன் தந்தாய் ஆசை மனது,
நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது  
கேட்டேன் தந்தாய் ஆசை மனது,

பெ: நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது   Symmetry, repetition. Acceptance, comfort
கேட்டேன் தந்தாய் ஆசை மனது,

ஆ; நூறு நிலாவை ஒரு நிலவாக்கி பாவை என்றேன் 

பெ:ஆயிரம் மலரை ஒரு மலராக்கி பார்வை என்றேன் 

ஆ: கண் மீனாக மானாக நின்றாடவோ, will unsteadiness of eyes be steady like a fish or a deer, or be transformed into sweetness or the melodic voice, of the mother.

பெ: சொல் தேனாக தாயாகப் பண் பாடவோ  nourishment as sound, music! Steadiness, strength. Or a convenient time in the evening.

ஆ: மாலை நேரம் வந்துறவாடவோ 

பெ: மாலை நேரம் வந்துறவாடவோ   
ஹோஒ  ஒஓஒஓ   ஒஓஓய் யா ......ஹோஒ  ஒஓ    
ஒஓ   ஒஓஓய் யா

பெ: நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது   
கேட்டேன் தந்தா...ய் ஆசை மனது,

ஆ: நிலைக்கண்ணாடி கண்ணம் கண்டு  ஆஆ.. ஹா 
மலர் கள்ளூறும்  கிண்ணம் என்று ஓ ஓ ஹோ 
அது சிந்தாமல் கொள்ளாமல்  பக்கம் வா  
அன்புத் தேனோடை பாய்கின்ற சொர்க்கம் வா  
அது சிந்தாமல் கொள்ளாமல்  பக்கம் வா  
அன்புத் தேனோடை பாய்கின்ற சொர்க்கம் வா,

பெ: மன்னன் தோளோடு அள்ளிக்கொஞ்சும் கிள்ளை 
அவள் தேரோடு பின்னிச்செல்லும் முல்லை 
உன்னை நெஞ்சென்ற மஞ்சத்தில் சந்தித்தேன் 
உந்தன் கை கொண்டு உண்ணாத கன்னித்தேன் 
உன்னை நெஞ்சென்ற மஞ்சத்தில் சந்தித்தேன் 
உந்தன் கை கொண்டு உண்ணாத கன்னித்தேன்,

பெ: நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது  
கேட்டேன் தந்தாய் ஆசை மனது,
ஆண்:இடை நூலாடிச்செல்ல செல்ல  ஆஆ ஹா... 

பெ: அதை மேலாடை மூடிக்கொள்ள ஓ ஓ ஹோ 

ஆ: சின்னப்பூ மேனி காணாத கண் என்ன  

பெ: சொல்லித்தீராத இன்பங்கள் என்னென்ன 

ஆ: சின்னப்பூ மேனி காணாத கண் என்ன  

பெ: சொல்லித்தீராத இன்பங்கள் என்னென்ன 

இருவரும்: ஹோஒ  ஒஓ     ஒஓ   ஒஓஓய் யா ......ஹோஒ  
ஒஓ     ஒஓ   ஒஓஓய் யா
நினைத்தேன் வந்தாய் நூறு வயது   
கேட்டேன் தந்தா...ய் ஆசை மனது,

First confrontation is clarity in language, pronunciation, sequence, rhyme, order, melody, softness. letting air go. So practice, concentrate, focus, become better, expert! Master!

White slam is break to finish where you start the board and finish all the white coins along with the red. Accomplishing it needs lots of practice and skills. Two skills concentration and focus. Contact and direction. Only method is keep practicing, watch videos in YouTube Carrom ...

Tesla's understated electric sedan drives like it's on rails and accelerates in near-silence. The Model 3 Performance holds a lot of power, with a combined 450 hp and 471 lb-ft of torque coming from its two electric motors.

ilayaraja is a pretty humble genius. Knows everything about music

பனி விழும் மலர்வனம் பாட்டுல

• "காமன் கோயில் சிறைவாசம்"ன்னு வரும்போது, வீணைமட்டும் 3 விநாடிகள்; அவளை அவன் மீட்டுவதுபோல்…. Nerves, transport, communication.
• "காலை எழுந்தால் பரிகாசம்" ன்னு வரும் போது, புல்லாங்குழல்மட்டும் 3 விநாடிகள்; சிரித்தால் வாயில் வரும் காற்றுபோல்…
• "கைகள் இடைதனில் நெளிகையில் இடைவெளி குறைகையில்"… மெல்லிய தபேலா அடிச்சி அடிச்சி, நமுட்டுச் சிரிப்பா/ நமுட்டு இசையா முடிச்சிருவாரு.

இப்படி, வரியில் உள்ள உணர்ச்சிகளுக்கெல்லாம் பொருத்தமான வாத்தியங்களை ஒலிக்க வச்சி அழகு பார்க்க ராஜாவால் மட்டுமே முடியும்!

Raja's microscopic strength is, his "Choice of Instruments". Mixing, melody, meditating. Transporting. Recording music as sound vibrations in the mind.

Such strength comes from microscopic concentration and awareness of sound to the moods and environments and their effects on each other.
The great depth in understanding and clarity it draws.

Beautiful expressive, smiling, breath control, diction. clear, performance, singing both voices. Variance and levels, With beauty and simplicity.

Small nuances of breath control were seen while singing there were your concentration, focus in enhanced mode is seen as depth, penetration, crossing space, time.
This was a flawless performance. The small changes in the fascial expression. Esaivu, asivu bhavanai, rasanai, posture. agreement, nod, feeling, expression, appreciation, consent.

Silky, flowing, flowery, sweet, voice, crystal clear definition
Magic in voice, clarity in presentation, uniqueness. Attention, awareness, concentration, focus, narrowing of circle is enhanced as involvement is increased. You get lost in the circle of time. Clarity, time expands in the moment. You become better and clearer concentration and focus led to thoughtless state-of-the-art of non interference.

Word expression, involvement, awareness, understanding, thought, space, rumination.

Anandham, enjoyment, santhosham, satisfaction, are the feelings that can be arrived at. Feelings are what we draw out of circumstances.

Music can take you to such a state. Thought will stop. Peace will overcome, all thought.

Peace and quietude will prevail. Freedom thought will prevail.


எப்போதாவது நீ உன்னை முழுமையாக மறந்து போகும் அளவிற்க்கு ஆர்வத்துடன் ஆழமாக எதையாவது செய்ததுண்டா?

Is involvement in balance, focus to such an extent that it makes you focus on balance and equilibrium and it's benefits all the time, ease and simplicity?

Yes. It has happened only in chess. I have a great interest in chess. I like it very much. It has saved me for all these days. The res have fallen by the wayside. Only chess is with me. I spend my time with it any how he said.

ஆமாம், சதுரங்கத்தில் மட்டுமே அது நடந்துள்ளது. சதுரங்க விளையாட்டில் எனக்கு மிகுந்த ஆர்வம் உண்டு. எனக்கு அது மிகவும் பிடிக்கும். அது மட்டுமே என்னை காப்பாற்றிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது. மற்றவை அனைத்தும் வீழ்ந்து விட்டன. சதுரங்கம் மட்டுமே இன்னும் என்னுடன் உள்ளது. அதன்மூலம் நான் எப்படியோ என்னுடைய நேரத்தை கடத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கிறேன், எனக் கூறினான்.

எப்போதாவது நீ உன்னை முழுமையாக மறந்து போகும் அளவிற்க்கு ஆர்வத்துடன் ஆழமாக எதையாவது செய்ததுண்டா?

At any time, got interest and depth, involved.

Thought stopped. He appeared peaceful and quiet.

சிந்தனை நின்றுவிட்டது. ஏனெனில் இப்படிப் பட்ட ஓரு அவசரத்தில் நீ சிந்திக்க முடியாது. சிந்தனை ஓய்வு நேரத்திற்கு உரியது. எந்த பிரச்னையும் இல்லாத போது நீ சிந்திக்கலாம். உண்மையிலேயே ஓரு பிரச்னை எழும்போது சிந்தனை நின்றுவிடுகிறது. ஏனெனில் மனதிற்கு நேரம் தேவை. அபாயம் உள்ளபோது நேரம் இருப்பதில்லை. உடனடியாக நீ ஏதாவது செய்தாக வேண்டும்.

சிந்தனை நின்றுவிட்டது. அவர் சாந்தமாகவும், அமைதியாகவும் காட்சியளித்தார்.

He appeared peaceful and quiet. Peace radiated in every ectivity and quietitude reflected every action.

These feelings were felt by any one observing him.

State of mind, approach, attitude, clarity. We're all seen.

பார்வை தெளிவடைந்தது. மிகவும் தெளிவடைந்தது. அவனால் முன்னால் பார்க்க முடிந்தது. ஐந்து நகர்தல் முன்பே பார்க்க முடிந்தது.
He was able to foresee five moves ahead, time, movements, impulse, initiative, effort, effect.

A move merged into five movements.

அவன் இதுவரை இவ்வளவு அழகாக விளையாடியதேயில்லை. மற்றவரின் விளையாட்டு குலையத் தொடங்கியது. ஓரு சில நிமிடங்களில் துறவி தோற்றுவிடுவார். அவனுடைய வெற்றி நிச்சயமாகி விட்டது.

He was able to see moves five steps ahead.

ஓவ்வொரு நொடியும் இறப்பு அருகில் வந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. துறவி விளையாடத் தொடங்கினார். அவர் சாந்தமாகவும் அமைதியாகவும் காட்சியளித்தார். இளைஞன், தனது சாவு நிச்சயம் என நினைத்துக் கொண்டான். ஆனால் எண்ணங்கள் மறைந்த பிறகு, அவன் அந்த நொடியில் முழுமையாக முழ்கி விட்டான். எண்ணங்கள் மறைந்த பிறகு, அவன் இறப்பு காத்திருக்கிறது என்பதையும் மறந்து விட்டான். ஏனெனில் மரணம் கூட ஓரு எண்ணமே. அவன் மரணத்தை மறந்து விட்டான். அவன் வாழ்க்கையை பற்றி மறந்துவிட்டான்! அவன் விளையாட்டின் ஓரு பகுதியாகி விட்டான். ஆட்கொள்ளப் பட்டு அதில் முழுமையாக முழ்கி விட்டான்.

போக, போக மனம் முழுமையாக மறைய, மறைய அவன் அருமையாக விளையாடத் தொடங்கினான். 

As involvement became finer, his present expanded.

அவன் அதுபோல இதுவரை விளையாடியதேயில்லை. ஆரம்பத்தில் துறவி வெற்றி பெற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தார். ஆனால் இளைஞன் அதில் முழ்கிய ஓரு சில நிமிடங்களில் அருமையாக காய்களை நகர்த்த தொடங்கினான். துறவி தோற்றுப் போக ஆரம்பித்தார். அந்த நொடி மட்டுமே இருந்தது. நிகழ்காலம் மட்டுமே இருந்ததால் அங்கு எந்த பிரச்னையும் இல்லை. உடல் சரியாகி விட்டது, நடுக்கம் நின்றுவிட்டது. வியர்வை ஆவியாகி விட்டது.

Changes in body became helping rather than hindering. Body became light. Even sweat helped. It cooled the body. He became weightless.

லேசானவனாக, இறக்கை போல எடையற்றவனாக உணர்ந்தான். வியர்வை கூட உதவியது. அவன் எடையற்றவனானான். அவனுடைய முழு உடலும் பறந்துவிடலாம் போல இருந்தது. அவனுடைய மனம் இல்லை. பார்வை தெளிவடைந்தது. மிகவும் தெளிவடைந்தது. அவனால் முன்னால் பார்க்க முடிந்தது. ஐந்து நகர்தல் முன்பே பார்க்க முடிந்தது. அவன் இதுவரை இவ்வளவு அழகாக விளையாடியதேயில்லை. மற்றவரின் விளையாட்டு குலையத் தொடங்கியது. ஓரு சில நிமிடங்களில் துறவி தோற்றுவிடுவார். அவனுடைய வெற்றி நிச்சயமாகி விட்டது.

He can foresee things clearly.

அப்போது திடீரென அவனுடைய கண்கள் தெளிவாக இருந்த போது, கண்ணாடி போல பார்வை கச்சிதமாக, ஆழமாக இருந்தபோது, அவன் அந்த துறவியை பார்த்தான்.

Clarity found a different level, meaning and understanding.

அவர் மிகவும் வெகுளித்தனமாய் இருந்தார். பன்னரெண்டு வருட தியானம் அவரை மலர் போல ஆக்கியிருந்தத - பன்னரெண்டு வருட எளிமை – அவர் மிகவும் தூய்மையடைந்திருந்தார். ஆசைகளற்று, எண்ணங்களற்று, இலக்கற்று, காரணமற்று இருந்தார்.

Clarity and purity were the focus of his meditation, knowledge is felt at the time of realization, feeling.

அவர் எவ்வளவு வெகுளியாக இருக்கமுடியுமோ அவ்வளவு வெகுளியாக இருந்தார்……ஓரு குழந்தை கூட அவ்வளவு வெகுளியாக இல்லை.
அவருடைய அழகிய முகம், அவருடைய தெளிந்த வான்நீலம் கொண்ட
கண்கள்…….இந்த இளைஞன் அவரிடம் கருணை கொண்டான்.  இப்போதோ, பிறகோ அவருடைய தலை வெட்டப்படும். அவன் இந்த கருணையை
உணர்ந்த அந்த நொடியில், தெரியாத கதவுகள் திறந்தன.

To know, understand, realize, doors opened, filling his mind and he became exhilarated.

தெரியவே தெரியாத ஏதோ ஓன்று அவனுடைய இதயத்தை நிரப்பத் தொடங்கியது. அவன் மிகவும் பரவசமாக உணர்ந்தான். அவனுடைய உள்ளிருப்பு முழுவதிலும் மலர்கள் கொட்டத் தொடங்கின. அவன் மிகவும் பரவசமாக உணர்ந்தான். அவன் இதுவரை இந்த பரவசத்தை, இந்த அழகை, இந்த ஆசீர்வாதத்தை அறிந்ததேயில்லை.

Experience the unlimited giving and receiving.

Feeling is opening of doors unknown.
The gift of giving without expectation.

தியானத்தின் மலர்ச்சி கருணை.

The blossoming of meditation is compassion.

இதுதான் கருணை. உன்னை விட மற்றவர் முக்கியமாக படும்போது, நீ மற்றவருக்காக உன்னை தியாகம் செய்யும் பொழுது அது அன்பு. நீ வழியாகவும், மற்றவர் குறிக்கோளாகவும் ஆகும்போது அது அன்பு. நீ குறிக்கோளாகவும், மற்றவர் வழியாகவும் ஆகும்போது அது காமஇச்சை. காமஇச்சை எப்போதும் தந்திரமானது. அன்பு எப்போதும் கருணை மயமானது.

நான் உனக்கு தியானம் கருணை இரண்டையும் கற்றுக் கொடுத்துவிட்டேன்.
இந்த கதையை உனக்குள் சுமந்து கொள். உனது இதயத்தில் சுமந்திரு. அது உனது இதயத்தின் துடிப்பாகட்டும். நீ தியானத்தில் வேர் கொண்டு கருணையின் இறக்கைகளை கொண்டிருப்பாய். அதனால்தான் நான் உனக்கு இரண்டு விஷயங்களை கொடுக்க விரும்புகிறேன் எனக் கூறுகிறேன்.  இந்த பூமியில் வேர்களும் அந்த சொர்க்கத்தில் இறக்கைகளும். தியானம் இந்த பூமி, இது இப்போது இங்கே, இந்த நொடியில் நீ உனது வேர்களைப் பரப்பலாம் அதனைச் செய். வேர்கள் இருக்குமானால் உனது இறக்கைகள் உயர்ந்த வானத்தை அடையும்.

கருணை என்பது வானம், தியானம் என்பது பூமி.
தியானமும், கருணையும் சந்திக்கும்பொழுது ஓரு ஞானி பிறக்கிறார்.

தியானத்திற்குள் மிக மிக ஆழமாக செல், அப்போதுதான் நீ கருணையில் மிக மிக உயரமாக செல்லமுடியும். எவ்வளவு ஆழமாக மரத்தின் வேர் இருக்கிறதோ, அந்த அளவிற்கு உயரமான சிகரங்களை மரம் அடையும். நீ மரத்தை பார்க்கமுடியும், நீ வேர்களை பார்க்க இயலாது, ஆனால் அவை எப்போதும் ஓரே விகிதத்திலேயே இருக்கும். மரம் வானத்தை அடைந்தால் வேர்கள் கண்டிப்பாக பூமியின் இறுதிவரைச் சென்றிருக்கும். விகிதாச்சாரம் ஓன்றே. உன்னுடைய தியானம் எவ்வளவு ஆழமாக உள்ளதோ, அதே ஆழத்தை உனது கருணையும் கொண்டிருக்கும். எனவே கருணைதான் அளவுகோல். உன்னிடம் கருணை இல்லை, ஆனால் நீ தியானத்தன்மையுடன் இருப்பதாக நீ நினைத்துகொண்டிருந்தால் பிறகு நீ உன்னையே ஏமாற்றிக்கொள்கிறாய். கருணை கண்டிப்பாக நடைபெறவேண்டும், ஏனெனில் அதுவே மரத்தின் மலர்தல்.

தியானம் கருணையை அடைவதற்குரிய வழிமுறை. கருணைதான் வாழும்வழி.

Concentration, penetration, and focus can suddenly push you to such a state of clarity, understanding and knowledge that your vision improves, what you draw from the environment goes up by leaps and bounds, that you suddenly become enlightened. The birth of a Holy Spirit is witnessed.

First confrontation is clarity in language, pronunciation, sequence, rhyme, order, melody, softness. Letting air go. So practice, concentrate, focus, become better, expert! Master!

Sent from my iPad. Subramanian Ananth
E- mail. Ashok41@gmail.com

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